Monday 31 January 2011

Annecy - Dusk on the Imperial beach

Annecy - Dusk on the Imperial beach
Annecy - Dusk on the Imperial beach

After my first attempt with photographying this place at dawn, i decided to come back the day after for some dusk images.
I initialy wanted to frame the big diving board really closer but i don't know why, i changed my mind on the last minute.


Anonymous said...

L'exposition est superbe,le ciel cristallin, la netteté d'image impeccable. Notre œil, toutefois, ne peut s'empêcher de sonder le devant des escaliers. On est curieux de savoir ce qui s'y trouve...

Je me demande si une vue horizontale, comprenant davantage de paysage, aurait satisfait notre curiosité. ;-)

Belle photo!
Amitié, Anne J.

Mark Alan Meader said...

You do love those twilight colors.. Beautiful atmosphere, as always. I suspect that stairway and the diving board are not getting much use right now.
Those snowy mountains (I assume the Alps) in the distance look very inviting to me.. lots of great photographs waiting for you out there, I'm sure.. some alpine lakes and snow covered peaks are coming up soon?:)

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