This is an old street of my village, near the Place Rouget de l'Islse.
Some english friends live in the houses on the left so we come there very often but i had never done an image here before :)
I was walking there yesterday morning with my daughter when i had the idea of this HDR shot. So after the walk i came back with a camera and a tripod.
Nicely done...i love the colors of it!
Good luck, Husac!
This is wonderful!!
You have an amazing talent for painting with your camera.
What a beautiful place! Wow!
We had the misfortune of driving the RV through an old street only a little bigger than this. It is amazing how Quebec City has streets and buildings just like this half a world away. A little if France.. I'll post an image of that RV for you when I post next! :-)
I love it. . . my wife and I ate Maron Glace ice cream in Collobrieres about 20 years ago . . . an experience we will never forget.
Paulo, thank you very much for your input here and i've to say that this one was certainly inspired by your watercolors. Really.
Charity, what does that mean ??
My english is really too bad :)
Just kidding, big thank you for your support.
Michell, i'm really intrigued by this RV but i have to say that even with the smallest italian car you will never come in this road. I'm longer that it's wide in the foreground and i guess it's less than one meter in the background.
It looks like you had a beautiful trip. I'd really like to find some more time. We just manage to move with our van during some week ends.
Collobrières is a very very small village and i'm always amazed when somebody from the other side of the ocean tells me "i know your Marrons Glacés (or your Chestnuts icecream)" :)
I live less than 100 meters far from the factory and the Marrons Glacés are still the same. I guess that just the price has changed during these 20 years.
This is beautiful.. is your whole village like this, or is this the "old section"? I was surprised in Italy that there are many towns where you really don't see many modern structures at all... except for the cars, you could be living in another age. I love places and architecture like this.. Hopefully I will get there someday to enjoy for myself. You can post more like this anytime!
Hello Mark,
The first real village was built in century 11 or 12. It's in the middle of a huge forest and there is no other real place to live. There is still an old bridge from this era under my house and we use it every day with cars. In the post i give a link to an image of the Place Rouget de l'Isle and here is another to a post where you can see the old church. In this image, the houses you can see are not recent but not as old as the church and they are exactly where was the initial village.
There are no real modern stuctures here and cars can go in many streets. For a few years, some modern villas are built around the village.
Last point : Of course you're welcome :)
great blog you have...i love this shot, for me it eppitomises the french culture, the narrow streets and cobbled roads...perfect!i could live there easy!
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